Russia’s major air strike on Ukraine


Russia launched a major airstrike on Ukraine on Thursday, killing at least 31 people and injuring dozens more. The attack was the deadliest in Ukraine since the start of the conflict in 2014.

The airstrikes hit several cities and towns in eastern Ukraine, including the capital, Kyiv. The Ukrainian government said that the attacks were carried out by Russian Sukhoi Su-34 fighter jets.

The Ukrainian military said that it had shot down several of the Russian jets, but that others had managed to hit their targets.

The Ukrainian government has condemned the airstrikes and called on the international community to take action against Russia.

The United States and its allies have already imposed sanctions on Russia in response to its aggression in Ukraine.

The United Nations Security Council is expected to meet on Friday to discuss the airstrikes.

The attack comes at a time when tensions between Russia and Ukraine are at their highest level in years.

Russia has been accused of massing troops on Ukraine’s border in preparation for a possible invasion.

The United States and its allies have warned Russia against invading Ukraine, and have said that they will impose severe sanctions if Russia does so.

The attack on Ukraine is a major escalation in the conflict between Russia and Ukraine.

It is the deadliest attack in Ukraine since the start of the conflict in 2014.

The attack is likely to further increase tensions between Russia and Ukraine, and between Russia and the West.

The attack is also likely to lead to further sanctions being imposed on Russia by the United States and its allies.

The attack is a major setback for the peace process in Ukraine.

It is likely to make it more difficult to reach a negotiated settlement to the conflict.

The attack is also likely to lead to further instability in Ukraine.

It is possible that the attack could lead to a wider conflict between Russia and Ukraine.

The attack is a major test for the international community.

It is a test of the international community’s willingness to stand up to Russia’s aggression.

It is also a test of the international community’s ability to work together to resolve the conflict in Ukraine.

The attack is a major tragedy for the people of Ukraine.

It is a tragedy for the families of the victims.

It is also a tragedy for the people of Ukraine who have been displaced by the conflict.

The attack is a reminder of the human cost of war.

It is a reminder of the need for peace.

It is also a reminder of the need for the international community to stand up to aggression

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