Dark web is the underworld of internet.


Dark web is the underworld of internet. It cannot be accessed with normal legal search engine like Google, yahoo, safari.,etc. It can be accessed with ‘tor’ browser specifically developed for accessing darkweb. The lack of awareness about dark web increases the various illegal activities in various parts of the world.

Transportation of arms 

Weapons can be purchased from the illegal websites by the process of auction. Different types of weapons like double blade sword and tranquilizers. Any one can purchase through the dark web. These weapons are low in rate compared to legal authorized weapons. So the flow of weapons and explosives in the society is more efficient with the help of dark web. This flow of weapons create brutalconsequences among peace and harmony of every civilians and spread hatred towards democracy. It can create gun culture against government which should be stopped immediately. It cannot be demolished permanently but can be reduced the penetration of weapons be using the blocking user inscript. By taking cautionary actions, can slowly stopped the illegal black market.

Organ Trade

This is major illegal activity indulging in dark websites. Mostly the victims of organ transplanting are orphan children, economically backward and subultern people. This organ trade can be indulged for many wealthy families based on their demand for their required organ without any legal formalities. Government should create antisquad to prevent illegal organ transplation. It should colobrated with children welfare and high technological team to monitor the illegal organisation’s for illegal organ transportation.

Abusing minority Trading children for using rhem as slaves and sex workers mostly in demand. Orphan children are more vulnerable in this activity. Congo and South Africans are predominant victims for this illegal activity. Government and child welfare should spread about this activity among the people who is unaware of child abuse. Many precautionary activities should be taken by government like guardianship of orphan children.


The above discussed topics gave an awareness about the darkweb and illegal activities going through in it. The precautionary measures can cut off the chain of dark web. It is the big network should be demolish from the society with the help of many technological aspects and anti squad agencies from different parts of the world. People should create an movement to coexist with government to protect future generations from ill effects of dark web like US antidrug people movement. It is an organization which spread awareness about illegal activity of dark web. It is very difficult for insects to come of the spider web likewise if the society is abducted by the dark web it is very difficult to come out of it. So it is the time to eradicate the dark web from the internet world.

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